Friday 22 November 2013

Saving Private Ryan

We're thrown instantlly into the action of WWII. No messing about with the characters back stories or some tragic event, there in a boat which is about to land at Normandy. They leave the landing boats, and we instantly see who's incharge and the character flaws. With scenes that bring home how bad it was on Omaha Beach, and the courage it took to run up the beach and through barbed wire, is maybe one of my favourite opening scences in a film (despite it being a long one).

After the fast pace action of the beach scene, it is slowed down nicely, giving us time to look at the characters and learn about them, aswell as to understand the plot of the whole film: to save Private Ryan. This isn't your standard war movie, the epic battles (that sniper battle is pretty epic) are seperated by points were the characters are explored more. This film is a recent classic,